TriForce establishes global reputation
The company generates high engagement from its multilingual target audience with our language services

From the start, blockchain gaming company TriForce Tokens wanted its product to become the reference token for all gaming platforms, offering player-to-player trading, anti-piracy strategies and a first-to-market honorary system that rewards collaborative game play. Its initial focus was to establish a good reputation in its European target markets before expanding to other areas. To tailor the TriForce ICO messaging framework to each target market, the company’s UK-based agency, Look, Touch & Feel, adapted several types of content.
Without any in-house multilingual marketing expertise, Look, Touch & Feel reached out to us for a solution.

“RWS was ready to help this innovative company with cutting-edge translation technology and comprehensive services.”
- Fully translate landing pages with all the associated creative content into eight languages
- Translate activation material to be used across multiple channels to increase reach and conversion rates
- High-quality multilingual content – giving TriForce confidence in its global strategy
- High engagement from the target audience thanks to multilingual content