특허 번역 및 출원
RWS는 최고 품질의 특허 번역과 원활한 글로벌 특허 출원 경험을 제공합니다.
당사는 간단하고 부담 없는 주문 프로세스를 제공합니다. 클릭 한 번으로 견적을 요청하고, 단일 지침으로 여러 국가에 출원이 가능하며, 온라인 플랫폼에서 주문을 확정하고 추적할 수 있습니다.

RWS offers the highest-quality patent translations, a seamless global patent filing experience and a wide range of cutting-edge intellectual property (IP) search services.
Our in-house search and translation teams, supported by an extensive network of specialized translators and 43,000 researchers, provide powerful solutions to assist with strategic decision-making across the entire IP lifecycle.
Plus, all our services are delivered in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17100.
inovia, our online filing platform is an innovative, cost-effective and highly-efficient source that allows you to execute your foreign filing flawlessly and significantly reduce the administrative burden, complexity and costs of your foreign filing.
Client success story: Kilburn & Strode
Find out how we have helped leading patent attorney firm Kilburn & Strode to streamline the foreign patent filing process. Using our market-leading platform, inovia, Kilburn & Strode has significantly reduced the administrative burden associated with foreign filing. Additionally, our patent translation service has provided peace of mind when it comes to quality and timeliness.
Here company Chair Gwilym Roberts outlines the benefits of partnering with RWS.