Supported patent filings
PCT National Phase Entry
Deadline: | 30 months* | |
Power of Attorney: | No | |
Assignments: | No | |
Language: | English | |
Translation Extension: | Yes | |
Excess Claims Fee: | No | |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred | |
Country Notes: | * 48 months with extension fee payable. |
Direct Filing
Deadline: | 12 months |
Power of Attorney: | No |
Assignments: | No |
Language: | English |
Translation Extension: | No |
Excess Claims Fee: | No |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred |
Country Notes: |
• Details of the Priority Document are needed at filing. Confirmation as to how the applicant rights to the invention are derived, whether by way of assignment or by way of employment, is required.