Transform pharmaceutical authoring processes with Fonto Integrated Authoring Platform

Latest innovation, developed in collaboration with leading pharma companies, dramatically simplifies content creation, review, publishing and regulatory submissions

Chalfont Saint Peter, UK
3/13/2024 10:00:00 AM

RWS, a unique, world-leading provider of technology-enabled language, content and intellectual property solutions, announces the launch of the Fonto Integrated Authoring Platform (IAP), a game-changing solution designed to streamline the document creation and publishing process for the pharmaceutical industry.

Fonto transforms the complex and time-consuming task of drafting, editing and reviewing critical business documents – including regulatory submissions and drug applications – into a straightforward, efficient process. Its user-friendly interface, similar to Microsoft Word, allows experts to collaborate centrally, enhancing the speed and quality of document production.

“It would usually take me a minimum of 10 to 15 hours to format a significant document – whereas now it takes me about five hours to achieve the same result,” explains a medical writer from a large pharma company.

“We’re delighted to announce the availability of Fonto IAP,” explains Jan Benedictus, Managing Director, Fonto. “The technology is born out of a close collaboration between our pharma clients and the Fonto and Tridion teams, resulting in a breakthrough for regulated companies with heavy demands on content creation.”

Fonto IAP seamlessly integrates with external data sources, automating the creation of working documents. It also ensures consistency of content through templates and standardization, ensuring all documents are compliant with regulatory requirements.

“We release five new products to the market per year and that number is growing. Per new drug application, our scientists spend 800 days on automatable work, i.e. collecting, retyping, changing, inserting and formatting content and data. We needed to speed up these processes and reduce the amount of costly manual work. That’s why we’ve introduced Fonto IAP,” according to a Digital Transformation Program Lead at a large pharmaceutical company.

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Notes to editor:

Fonto IAP has been designed to support a wide range of use-cases and document types, including the creation and management of clinical protocols and reports, informed consent forms, quality assurance documents, chemistry manufacturing and controls (CMC), electronic common technical documents (eCTD) sections 2 and 3, structured product labelling (SPL) and electronic product information (ePI).

Fonto IAP benefits organizations where their document types and their associated processes share one or multiple of the characteristics below:

  • Multiple variations of documents where large parts are shared or overlap with other documentation.
  • Highly templated documents and the presence of large quantities of data in the form of tables and/or charts.
  • Documents that require a high level of manual work to be authored, reviewed, checked and maintained.
  • Underlying processes that are expected to shift from document-centric to data-centric.
  • Fonto and Tridion are part of RWS’s structured authoring and content management portfolio of solutions.

Fonto and Tridion are part of RWS’s structured authoring and content management portfolio of solutions.

Informazioni su RWS

RWS Holdings plc è il provider leader a livello mondiale di servizi linguistici, di gestione dei contenuti e per la proprietà intellettuale basati sulla tecnologia. Attraverso la trasformazione dei contenuti e l'analisi dei dati multilingue, la nostra combinazione di tecnologia basata sull'intelligenza artificiale e di competenza umana aiuta i nostri clienti a crescere e a essere compresi ovunque e in qualsiasi lingua.

Il nostro scopo è favorire la comprensione a livello globale. Combinando comprensione culturale, tecnica e del cliente, i servizi e le tecnologie di RWS aiutano le aziende ad acquisire e fidelizzare i loro clienti, offrire esperienze utente coinvolgenti, garantire la conformità e trarre informazioni utili dai loro dati e contenuti.

Negli ultimi 20 anni abbiamo sviluppato le nostre soluzioni basate sull'intelligenza artificiale e aiutato i clienti a esplorare, creare e utilizzare le applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale multilingue. Con oltre 40 brevetti legati all'intelligenza artificiale e più di 100 pubblicazioni peer-reviewed, abbiamo l'esperienza e le competenze necessarie per fornire assistenza ai clienti nel loro percorso verso l'intelligenza artificiale.

Collaboriamo con oltre l'80% dei 100 marchi più importanti al mondo, con oltre tre quarti delle 20 aziende presenti nella classifica "Most Admired Companies" di Fortune e con quasi tutti i principali studi legali, aziende farmaceutiche, banche d'affari e aziende depositanti di brevetti. La nostra base di clienti si estende a Europa, Asia Pacifico, Africa, Nord America e Sud America. Grazie a più di 65 sedi globali presenti in cinque continenti, forniamo servizi a clienti dei settori automobilistico, chimico, finanziario, legale, medico, farmaceutico, tecnologico e delle telecomunicazioni.

Fondata nel 1958, RWS è quotata all'AIM, il mercato borsistico regolamentato dal London Stock Exchange (RWS.L). La sede centrale dell'azienda si trova nel Regno Unito. 

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