Cutting-Edge Search Strategies in IP

Brian King
Vice President, IP Solutions, Americas
Brian King is a licensed IP attorney and Vice President of Client Relations, Americas at RWS. With over 15 years of technology, leadership, corporate strategy, and legal experience in IP, Brian is a recognized thought leader in legal tech and global IP policy. Prior to joining RWS, Brian has held positions as Associate General Counsel, Head of Government Relations, and Head of Policy and Advocacy with leading global IP organisations.
He has represented clients and held leadership roles in the American Bar Association (ABA) IP Section, International Trademark Association (INTA), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) IP Constituency and has pioneered policy development in novel spaces including standard essential patents (SEPs) and blockchain-based domain names.
Brian holds a degree from the University of Delaware and a JD from Delaware Law School. He is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the State of Delaware.
Brian requires his INTA committee to listen to what he calls “Delaware Fun Facts” about his home state during every monthly meeting.
Mark Jacobs
Chief Revenue Officer
Mark is Chief Revenue Officer of Haloo responsible for commercial operations, client relations and corporate development.
Recent roles in the IP space include Senior VP of Commercial Services at brand protection company Corsearch, as well as CRO at corporate domain name provider Com Laude.
In his 28-year career, Mark’s back of the napkin math figures he has been in roughly 5,000 TM search demos across 30 US states and 10 countries.
Jim Burns
VP, IP Research
Jim has been working in the IP services space since his days as a law clerk with the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Technology Transfer department (circa 1999).
His passion for problem solving is a perfect fit with prior art searching, driving actionable results, and successful searches for his clients. Supporting and assisting in his client’s success is an absolute thrill.
Away from the search thunderdome’, Jim loves spending time with his family and friends, sitting at St. Pete beach, watching the waves roll in, and re-charging.
Emily Casaccio
Commercial Director
Emily is Commercial Director at Haloo and based in New York City. She is responsible for growth and strategic initiatives with a focus on innovation and impactful solutions.
Previously Head of Training and Customer Service at Corsearch, where she led seminars and webinars on trademark search strategies.
Emily plays Wordle religiously and produces all the "Haloo" puns no one asked for.