Supported patent filings

European Validation
Deadline: 3 months (from the date of publication of mention of grant)
London Agreement? No
Official Language: Romanian
Translations Required: Claims (Romanian)
Forms: No
Country Notes: Non-member validation state

Recommended Agents

Patentmark S.R.L.

Patentmark mediates in all types of intellectual property rights: patents, trademarks, models, domain names, plant varieties and copyrights.. . For over 80 years, Patentmark has served and continues to serve its clients effectively. Its tools and procedures have constantly evolved to meet its clients’ requirements and needs.. . It has extensive and diversified experience, enabling it to remain a major player in the field of intellectual property in Romania.. . The firm is supported by a network of carefully selected correspondents in all countries, which allows it to respond quickly and effectively throughout the world.. . Its clients are assured of its daily commitment to acquiring and defending their intellectual property rights..
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Patentmark S.R.L.

European Validation

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