Supported patent filings
Deadline: | 30 months* | |
Power of Attorney: | Yes** | |
Assignments: | Sometimes*** | |
Language: | Chinese | |
Translation Extension: | No**** | |
Excess Claims Fee: | Yes | |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred | |
Country Notes: |
* 32 months with extension fee payable.
Deadline: | 12 months | |
Power of Attorney: | Yes | |
Assignments: | Sometimes* | |
Language: | Chinese | |
Translation Extension: | No | |
Excess Claims Fee: | Yes | |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred | |
Country Notes: |
* Assignment documents are only required if the applicant of the priority application is different to the applicant of the Chinese application.
Recommended Agents
AFD China Intellectual Property Law Office
AFD China Intellectual Property Law Office
Shenzhen Zhongyi Union Intellectual Property Agency Co. Ltd. (ZYIP)
Shenzhen Zhongyi Union Intellectual Property Agency Co. Ltd. (ZYIP)
inovia: A smarter approach to foreign patent filing