RWS in Financial Services

We want you to build the best possible relationships with your customers, reaching them with content in their chosen languages, delivered on their desired channels, at the time they need it.

We understand how challenging it can be to tread the line between making your content engaging while ensuring compliance with a complex range of regulations across global markets. 

Every day, around the clock, we support finance clients by combining services that effectively communicate their messages globally with technology that streamlines how it is created, managed and delivered.

How we help

Expert language services

Translation delivered by experienced language specialists with knowledge of the terminology used in your market sector as well as the regulatory frameworks under which you operate. Skills in the language used for financial reporting, fund content, shareholder communications, ESG and sustainability content and consumer-facing marketing materials. Support also for DTP requirements, accessibility materials and transcreation of marketing messages.

Secure, AI-powered translation technology

Industry-leading machine translation (MT), enterprise translation management systems (TMS) and computer-aided translation (CAT) technologies for secure, scalable localisation of your multilingual content. Our intelligent language technology platforms are powered by AI so that they grow with you, adapt to the language of your organisation and securely protect your most sensitive data.

Scalable structured content management

Speed up content production, review, translation and distribution to boost employee productivity and improve customer experience. Control and share your content with a platform that offers user-friendly structured authoring, collaboration and management across the entire enterprise.
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Connectors to existing platforms

Bring your content creation, management and translation processes together with connectors that integrate your platforms and deliver seamless workflows for your users and an improved experience for your customers.

We also support clients in multiple areas associated with these financial services sectors, including: 

  • Consulting and audit firms 
  • Credit ratings agencies 
  • Financial technology (fintech) providers 
  • Third-party service providers and management companies 
  • Financial services marketing agencies 
  • Legal advisors to finance institutions 
  • International standards bodies

Why choose RWS?

  • Expert in translation of regulated financial content 
  • Global presence for multinational institutions 
  • Trusted by the biggest global brands in the industry 
  • Committed to driving efficiency by leveraging technology 
  • Multiple international security and quality accreditations

Who we work with

We work with leading global clients in financial services including all of the top 10 asset management firms and 9 of the top 10 investment banks as well as major global retail and corporate banks and insurers. 

Our focus is on helping you to optimise your connections with audiences globally while reducing the risk inherent in delivering complex content in multiple countries with disparate regulatory frameworks. 

We support the content challenges of departments across your organisation including marketing, product management, compliance, legal and customer service.

Brief case
Top 10 asset management firms
9 of the top 10 investment banks
Globe circles
Major retail, private and corporate banks
Brief case
Top global insurers
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