Groundbreaking Linguistic AI solution ‘Evolve’ by RWS transforms global translation practices

Evolve represents major leap forward for the translation industry

Chalfont Saint Peter, UK
1/25/2024 10:00:00 AM
Following a successful beta program involving Dell and several other industry leaders, RWS announces the availability of Evolve, a groundbreaking linguistic AI solution which offers significant efficiency gains for global enterprises with substantial translation demands. Evolve signifies a major leap forward for the translation industry, integrating human and artificial intelligence, revolutionizing translation processes and the time it takes to achieve high quality results.
During the beta program, RWS has enhanced Evolve through using client feedback and by adding its own translation management system to the solution. RWS’s language services, which include 1,750+ in-house language specialists and domain experts, are deployed as part of the solution – which continually learns and self-improves, ensuring optimal translation outcomes.
“Evolve is the industry-first solution embodying Genuine Intelligence, a fusion of human and artificial intelligence, that helps global enterprises stay ahead of their overwhelming content challenges,” said Thomas Labarthe, President of Language & Content Technology at RWS.
Evolve combines RWS’s language services with its translation management system (Trados Enterprise) and its neural machine translation technology (Language Weaver) alongside language specialist-trained quality estimation and a finely tuned private large language model. This powerful combination helps global companies achieve near-instant, human-like translation quality, allowing RWS’s language specialists to focus their unique skills and cultural expertise on the content that requires their attention.
“Dell has always focused on continuous innovation, which is why we were excited to participate in the Evolve beta program,” commented Wayne Bourland, Director of Translation at Dell. “RWS has created a groundbreaking linguistic AI solution that addresses the ever-growing translation challenges presented by large content volumes, enabling us to engage international audiences faster.”
The Evolve linguistic AI solution is currently available in several language pairs – with more to come in 2024. To check if you qualify to benefit from Evolve click here.
Notes to editors:
Evolve is delivered through a single, end-to-end solution that includes relationship governance, project management and client support. Components and capabilities include:
  • Human intelligence: provided by RWS’s 1,750+ language specialists and domain experts who finalize translations and ensure optimal outcomes.
  • Translation management system (TMS): facilitates end-to-end localization processes and workflows across all content types, repositories, translation methods and stakeholder groups.
  • Real-time neural machine translation (NMT): powered by AI models, it continuously adapts through built-in feedback loops between quality assessment outcomes, generative output and expert-in-the-loop translations.
  • Machine translation quality estimation (QE): automatically assesses and prioritizes performance of NMT output – built on expert-labelled and annotated data.
  • Private large language model (LLM): performs automatic post-editing of segments that require further improvement by generative AI output.

Acerca de RWS

RWS Holdings plc es un proveedor de servicios lingüísticos basados en tecnología, de contenidos y de propiedad intelectual único y líder a nivel mundial. Gracias a la transformación del contenido y al análisis de datos multilingües, nuestra combinación de IA y conocimiento humano ayuda a nuestros clientes a crecer, al garantizar que se les entenderá en cualquier lugar y en cualquier idioma.

Nuestro objetivo es hacer posible el entendimiento global. Al combinar el conocimiento cultural, el conocimiento del cliente y el conocimiento técnico, nuestros servicios y nuestra tecnología ayudan a nuestros clientes a conseguir y retener clientes, a ofrecer experiencias de usuario excelentes, a cumplir las normativas y a obtener información práctica sobre sus datos y su contenido.

En los últimos 20 años, hemos desarrollado nuestras propias soluciones de IA y ayudado a nuestros clientes a explorar, crear y utilizar aplicaciones de IA multilingües. Con más de 40 patentes relacionadas con la IA y más de 100 artículos revisados por expertos, contamos con la experiencia y los especialistas necesarios para guiar a nuestros clientes en materia de IA.

Trabajamos con más del 80 % de las 100 marcas más importantes del mundo, con más de tres cuartas partes de las 20 empresas más admiradas según la revista Fortune y con casi todas las empresas farmacéuticas, bancos de inversión, bufetes de abogados y encargados de la tramitación de patentes más importantes. Nuestra base de clientes abarca Europa, Asia-Pacífico, África, Norteamérica y Sudamérica. Estamos presentes en más de 65 ubicaciones repartidas por los cinco continentes, y cada una de ellas presta servicio a clientes en los sectores de la automoción, la química, las finanzas, el derecho, la medicina, la farmacia, la tecnología y las telecomunicaciones.

Fundada en 1958, RWS tiene su sede en el Reino Unido y cotiza públicamente en AIM, el mercado regulado de la Bolsa de Londres (RWS.L). 

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* RWS Group es RWS Holdings plc en representación propia y de sus filiales.