Supported patent filings

Direct Filing
Deadline: 12 months
Power of Attorney: Yes*
Assignments: Yes**
Language: Spanish
Translation Extension: Yes***
Excess Claims Fee: Yes
Examination Request: Deferred
Country Notes:

* Powers of Attorney forms should be filed within 30 days from the filing date in Uruguay. Extension of time is not allowed. Powers of Attorney do not need to be certified or legalized.

** Assignment forms must be notarized and legalized via either the Apostille procedure or at an Uruguayan consulate in your home country. The consulate will provide instructions on the procedure that is required; note that costs will be incurred for this. Assignments are not required if any of the applicants of the Priority Document are the same as the applicants in Uruguay.

*** The Spanish translation can be submitted within one month from the filing date. However, the Spanish translation of the title and abstract must be submitted at filing.

• A certified copy of the Priority Document and its certified Spanish translation should be submitted at the time of filing the application. Late filing of these documents is possible within six months from the application filing date, but will result in a late fee. Digital copies of the certified Priority Document are accepted.

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