Supported patent filings

Direct Filing
Deadline: 12 months
Power of Attorney: Yes*
Assignments: Yes**
Language: English or French***
Translation Extension: No
Excess Claims Fee: No
Examination Request: No substantive examination
Country Notes:

* The Power of Attorney form does not need to be notarized or legalized. The form should be submitted to the Lebanon Patent Office within three months from the date of filing the application (no extensions available).

Late filing of the Power of Attorney will incur a fee, invoiced by the agent.
** Must be legalized up to the Lebanese consulate. The consulate will provide instructions on the procedure; note that costs will be incurred for this. The assignment forms should be submitted to the Lebanon Patent Office within three months from the date of filing the application (no extensions available). Late filing of the forms will incur a fee, invoiced by the agent.

*** An Arabic translation of the title, abstract and claims is also required, however, it can be submitted within three months of filing.

• A certified copy of the Priority Document should be submitted at the time of filing the application. Late filing of the document is possible within three months from the date of filing the application but will result in a late fee, invoiced by the agent.

• A certified English translation of the Priority Document is only required when the document is neither in English nor French. The translation should be submitted along with the original certified copy of the Priority Document. Late filing fees will not be incurred for submitting the translation after filing, however, fees may be incurred if the translation is filed separately from the certified copy of the Priority Document.

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