Supported patent filings

Direct Filing
Deadline: 12 months
Power of Attorney: Yes*
Assignments: Yes**
Language: Spanish
Translation Extension: Yes***
Excess Claims Fee: No
Examination Request: Deferred
Country Notes:

* Signatures should be certified by Notary Public, and for corporations, the Notary Public should also certify that it is known to him/her that the officer/s who signed on behalf of the company is/are authorized for such legal action according to the corporate statutes. Power of Attorney forms must then be legalized via the Apostille procedure. The form must be filed within 40 days from the filing date of the application.

** Assignments must be certified by Notary Public and legalized via The Apostille procedure. It must be filed within 60 days from the filing date of the application.

*** The Spanish translation can be submitted within two months from the filing date. However, the Spanish translation of the title and abstract must be submitted at filing.

• A certified copy of the Priority Document and its certified Spanish translation must be filed within 60 days from the application filing date (with details needed at filing).

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