Tridion Docs and Baselines

Manage multiple editions of your publications

Tridion Docs provides long-term control over content variations through its Baselines feature 

Managing in-depth information such as technical documentation, policies, procedures, guidelines or other business critical content is often difficult – especially when you have to contend with rapid product innovation cycles, many product variations, regional or time-bound regulations, multiple languages, and a variety of output formats. 

Tridion Docs makes managing these complexities easier. It moves away from the old-fashioned document-centric approach, and instead relies on componentized content. Using a unique feature called Baselines, you have all the controls you need to manage precisely which content components make up a document. It enables you to manage your content long-term, while giving you the flexibility you need to maintain and update multiple parallel versions in any language at the same time. 

With Tridion Docs and Baselines you can: 

  • Rigorously control versions 
  • Work on multiple publications 
  • Trace back older content 
  • Generate consistent, dynamic output 

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