Tridion Success Summit 2022 - Amsterdam
Cognitive Technologies & Guided Experiences

Tridion Success Summit

October 04 & 05, in Stockholm, Sweden

Please join us for two informative, insightful and thought-provoking days, where we aim to show how Tridion Docs can be leveraged to deliver ever more value for you and your organisation.

The days will include sessions on best practice, case studies, product updates and a look into the future with insights from our experts on the development roadmap. 

You’ll also have the opportunity to meet both our own Tridion Docs experts, peers from other Tridion Docs users and a wide range of partners, all of whom are keen to share their thoughts on ways it can be used to drive additional value and success.

Secure your FREE place today!

We’ll cover: 

  • Current content trends such as Cognitive Technologies, AI, and Guided Experiences and what they could mean for you
  • Our vision for the future of content management
  • Customer success stories and insights from other users

Agenda Day 1

  • 10:30 - 11:15 Cognitive technologies & Guided Experiences
  • 11:15 - 11:35 Customer success | Hitachi Energy
  • 11:35 - 12:00 Customer success | Kaeser Kompressoren
  • 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Tridion Docs & Semantic AI 
  • 14:00 - 14:20 Break 
  • 14:20 - 15:20 Panel | Guided Experiences
  • 15:20 - 16:20 Break | Explore the Tridion Ecosystem 
  • 16:20 - 16:45 Customer success | Microchip
  • 16:45 - 17:00 Closure
  • 17:00 - 18:00 Networking drinks and nibbles
  • 19:00 Dinner and tour at the Vasamuseum (optional)

Agenda Day 2

Attend day 2 to spend time with Tridion Docs partners in in-depth panel sessions covering the following topics.

  • 08:30 - 09:30 Content Hub Plenary
  • 09:30 - 10:30 Panel 1 Structured Content Authoring
  • 10:30 - 10:45 Break
  • 10:45 - 11:45 Panel 2 Structured Content Dynamic Delivery
  • 11:45 - 12:00 Break
  • 12:00 - 13:00 Panel 3 Implementation Services for Guided Experiences
  • 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

Places are limited, so please secure your FREE place by registering today. 

We look forward to welcoming you at The Tridion Summit 2022!

ABB Hitachi

Learn more

Day 1 Sessions Day 2 Sessions Speakers
Cognitive Technology, is it just the next buzzword, or is there real substance to it? We’ll try to answer this question by covering the next 3 topics: 
  • Learn about latest development in Tridion: semantic AI - which represents a form of cognitive technology that makes content easier to manage and discover 
  • Understand the power of Semantic AI - allowing content and data to be intertwined to surface hidden insights and make intelligent recommendations
  • Harness the power of a Content Supply Chain – uncovering areas of improvement, automation and innovation within your organization to support digital transformation

Docs customer Hitachi Energy will share insights and lessons learned from their Tridion Docs deployment.


Tridion Docs partner, PANTOPIX, will share insights and lessons learned from the Tridion Docs implementation and deployment at Kaeser Kompressoren.


Smart tagging with Tridion Docs Taxonomy Space – how does it work and what is it good for?

The new semantic AI capabilities in Tridion help you better match user intent to your content – connecting your critical content together with the organizational knowledge to give all your users the information they need with better findability and search. 

In this presentation you’ll learn how knowledge graphs can help you with tagging your content efficiently and why you should care. We will start with a short introduction of the basics (what a knowledge graph is and what standards you should know), have a look at the problems you can tackle with it and see smart tagging in practice with Tridion Docs. 

What we will show: 

  • Tridion Docs roadmap and SP4’s new features
  • Intuitive tagging suggestions and taxonomy browsing 
  • Industry-leading taxonomy management and machine-assisted knowledge modelling 
  • Corpus analysis to give you a powerful way to enrich and fine-tune knowledge models 
  • Search suggestions capability and faceted search API

In the era of the experience economy, people are expecting to be taken by the hand and guided through their digital journey. How does Structured Content help in this setting, and allow Guided Experiences to be crafted? Through a panel discussion, and accompanied by our best-in-class service and technology ecosystem partners, we will explore this topic and inspire you about the ever growing importance of structured content to craft a Guided Experience.

Deloitte currently separates the Enterprise focused Metaverse into 3 Fields of Play. The Immersive Enterprise Simulation track, the Immersive Work & Learn track and the Cross-reality Experiences consumer facing track. During this talk and panel we’ll look at defining the enterprise focused Metaverse, how the future of maintenance, field services and frontline worker experiences (i.e. guided experiences) are some of the key use cases for the Enterprise metaverse. We’ll then answer the question of how the enterprise metaverse needs to be powered by structured content, in order to be scalable and sustainable. Without structured content, guided experiences powered by AR/VR are bound to be stuck in POC land instead of providing immense value for organizations.

Speaker: Eren Aksu, Senior Manager for Digital Reality, Deloitte

Moderator: Arpita Maity, Director of Product Marketing, RWS

Panelists: Vangelis Lympouridis (ENOSIS), Joe Girling (Congility), Ginika Ibeagha (RWS)

Tridion Docs customer Microchip will share insights and lessons learned from their Tridion Docs deployment.


Day 2 sessions

Join us on 5 October for a special 'Talk to our Tridion partners' event. The morning will include interactive panel discussions where our service and technology expert partners will present their vision and show how Tridion can deliver more value that you imagine. You'll also have the opportunity to share your ambitions and discover new ways to achieve them.


  • 08:30-09:30 Plenary | Semantic Content Hub - Transforming data hurdles into comprehensive knowledge discovery
    Ambiguity, language discrepancies, and lack of background information are just a few challenges that organizations face on a daily basis when trying to analyze their content and data. When an organization produces data that is hard to manage, what methodologies can be used to turn unstructured content into clean, fruitful knowledge?
    In this session, Andreas will talk about the different semantic tools you can have under your belt to manage your unstructured data and reap the benefits of a comprehensive knowledge graph. Learn how intelligent content can improve customer satisfaction, enable better business decision making, and grant extensive knowledge discovery.
        Presenter: Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company)
  • 09:30-10:30 Panel 1 | Structured Content Authoring (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable: Tridion Partners on Making Content FAIR)
    FAIR is a set of principles that apply equally to data and content. By structuring content to FAIR principles, pharma companies have a unique opportunity to harness the power of reuse and automation even beyond the data itself. Join us for an exciting panel moderated by Max Swisher, Director of Technology at Content Rules to learn how partner solutions enable Tridion users to create FAIR content. 
    Moderator: Max Swisher (Content Rules)
        Panelists: Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company), Karsten Schrempp (PANTOPIX), Dr Donna Alexander (Technically Write It), Jamila Elouazani (Acrolinx), Michael Mannhardt (Congree), Klaus Fleischmann (Kaleidoscope)
  • 10:30-10:45 Break
  • 10:45-11:45 Panel 2 | Structured Content Dynamic Delivery 
    We will share ideas on the future of structured content delivery. The idea of structured content being exposed in known channels of paper or websites is becoming obsolete. The channel distribution of content through screens and hand held devices is expected to become the norm. Delivering structured content as data between different organisations is also expected to increase dramatically. We will also answer questions that border on what are the future channels for structured content delivery? What is headless in a DXD context and how do we leverage on its strengths? How do we switch from pdf manuals to multi channel, multi language structured content delivery
        Moderator: Ginika Ibeagha (RWS)
        Panelists: Joe Girling (Congility), Bruno Fraissinede (Fluid Topics), Eric Tengstrand (Etteplan), Karsten Schrempp (PANTOPIX), Lesia Kalley (Acrolinx) 
  • 11:45-12:00 Break
  • 12:00-13:00 Panel 3 | Implementation Services for Guided Experiences 
    In this panel we share ideas and experiences on the journey towards elevating the guided experience to empower end-customers and users. How to close the gap between a current state and a future state. We will answer questions like "Typical challenges companies experience in their content value chains today?", "Rewards and business values that can be achieved through elevating the guided experience?", "What are the first steps we need to take and what steps comes after the first?
        Moderator: Eric Tengstrand (Etteplan)
        Panelists: Toni Ressaire, (Technically Write It), Bruno Fraissinede (Fluid Topics), Joe Girling (Congility), Ginika Ibeagha (RWS), Wouter Maagdenberg (TXTOmedia), Eren Aksu (Deloitte), Vangelis Lympouridis (ENOSIS)
  • 13:00-14:00 Lunch

Partners participating

  • Acrolinx
  • Congility
  • Congree
  • Content Rules
  • Deloitte
  • Enosis
  • Etteplan
  • FluidTopics
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Poolparty
  • Semantic Web Company
  • TXTOmedia
SDL Tridion DX - Man talking on the phone


Andreas Blumauer

Andreas Blumauer

Founder & CEO

Semantic Web Company

Arpita Maity

Arpita Maity

Director of Product Marketing


Bruno Fraissinede

Sales Manager

Fluid Topics

Chad Weibel

Chad Weibel

VP Technology Sales


Donna Alexander

Intermediate Information Developer

Technically Write IT

Eren Aksu

Senior Manager for Digital Reality


Eric Tengstrand

VP Global Service Solutions


Frank Closset

Frank Closset

Head of Research and Development for Tridion DX


Ginika Ibeagha

Senior Manager


Jamila Elouazani


Director of Partner Solutions


Joe Girling

Business Development


Jörg Schmidt

Jörg Schmidt

Senior Solutions Architect


Karsten Schrempp

Karsten Schrempp

CEO & Founder


Klaus Fleischmann

Klaus Fleischmann

Chief Executive Officer


Lesia Kalley


Enterprise Account Director Benelux & Nordics

Max Swisher

Director of Technology

Content Rules

Michael Mannhardt


President & CEO

Morten Haaker

Business System Analyst


Peter Strömbäck

Business System Owner


Toni Ressaire

Director of Projects & Innovation

Technically Write IT


Vangelis Lympouridis, PHD



Wouter Maagdenberg

CEO & Co-founder

