• Contentful
  • Tridion Sites

This connector gives Tridion Sites users access to assets stored in Contentful, such as images and documents, and to its web content management (WCM) text objects. Through this connector, Tridion Sites users can build web experiences enriched by Contentful assets, and repurpose Contentful WCM text for use in Tridion-managed sites. 

Key features 

  • Navigate to Contentful assets and WCM text directly from Tridion, and use assets and text in Tridion components and pages. 
  • View WCM text as an HTML fragment or a list of normalized fields. 
  • List and get assets and text via the Tridion DXD GraphQL interface to build mashups (services that combine a number of data sources to create a new experience). 
  • Download assets from Contentful via the DXD GraphQL interface, to store in Tridion.
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