Structured content authoring

Structured content authoring (SCA) is a type of writing where content and form are separated. Also known as technical writing, SCA was created with the purpose of making technical content creation faster, cheaper and more robust. SCA is possible with the help of specialized tools that are XML-based. A structured content authoring tool can be integrated with a Component Content Management System to benefit from improved long-term content governance.

Authoring in an SCA tool requires the structure of the content to be defined first.

Usually publication managers are the ones who create the publication structure and components, leaving writers with the task of creating the content according to the defined structures. SCA is a preferred method of work for organizations that need to abide by stringent content rules imposed by laws, regulations or industry standards or organizations with global content operations that need to accelerate their digital transformation processes.

Example use cases

  • Financial reporting documentation
  • Medical devices regulatory documentation
  • Distributed content teams working with technical content
  • Product manufacturers that operate across geographies and languages

Key benefits

  • Reuse content efficiently and eliminate content drift and inaccuracies
  • Create 100% reliable audit trails
  • Allow granular access rights for publications
  • Enable effective collaboration for global content teams