Modular content

Modular content (also known as atomic content or componentized content) involves breaking information into smaller modules that can be rearranged and reused. It offers flexibility, efficiency, and scalability in content creation and distribution. Modules can be personalized for different users, ensuring consistent messaging across platforms. It enables agile content creation and simplifies localization and translation. Modular content also aids in content governance, allowing easier tracking and management. Overall, this approach streamlines workflows, reduces duplication, and enhances the content experience for audiences, making it an effective strategy for organizations to optimize their content production and meet the evolving needs of their users.

Example use cases

  • Author accurate and compliant medical devices regulatory technical files
  • Real-time and easily accessible information for field service technicians
  • Improve customer experience for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with contextually adapted content
  • Unify global brand websites with content and design consistency

Key benefits

  • Reusable content 
  • Quick content creation 
  • Easy maintenance 
  • Reduces content duplication 
  • Content customization 
  • Improved consistency 
  • Team collaboration 
  • Brings scalability 
  • Operational efficiency 
  • Improves quality control and compliance