Explainable AI

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is the ability of an AI system to provide understandable and transparent explanations for its decisions and actions. It aims to bridge the gap between complex AI algorithms and human comprehension, allowing users to understand and trust the reasoning behind AI-driven outcomes.

Traditional AI approaches, like deep learning neural networks, can be seen as ‘black boxes’ since it's difficult to understand how and why they make decisions. Explainable AI techniques provide insights into AI systems, enabling humans to comprehend and validate the decision-making process.

Example use cases

  • Detecting and mitigating bias in AI systems
  • Enhancing transparency and accountability in automated decision-making processes
  • Facilitating regulatory compliance in industries with legal requirements 
  • Assisting in error identification and debugging of AI models
  • Collaborating with domain experts to leverage their knowledge and insights
  • Improving trust and acceptance of AI systems among users and stakeholders

Key benefits

  • Transparency: explainable AI provides visibility into AI decision-making, building trust and enabling validation of reasoning behind actions
  • Bias detection and mitigation: explanations help identify biases and discriminatory factors, enabling corrective measures for equitable and unbiased AI systems
  • Error identification and debugging: explainable AI aids in diagnosing and improving incorrect or unexpected decisions by understanding underlying causes
  • Domain expert collaboration: interpretable explanations foster collaboration between AI systems and experts, enhancing decision-making and leveraging human expertise
  • Regulatory compliance: explainable AI ensures compliance with regulations on privacy, data protection, bias, and fairness through explanations for AI-driven decisions