Derivative content reuse

Derivative content reuse is when an author edits a chunk of content that is not locked, or, in other words, is not restricted from editing changes on it. Because of these edits, a new chunk of content is created, and it is called derivative content. Authors are reusing derivative content to create new documents from content components that already exist. 

The newly created content is a ‘child content’ of the ‘parent content’. This relationship is recorded by the system and the author of the derivative or ‘child’ parent will be notified when the original or ‘parent’ content is modified. The author will decide if they want to incorporate in the ‘child version’ the changes that were made in the ‘parent’ version of the content. 

Derivative content reuse can be done by using content variables and conditions in your publication.

Example use cases

  • Creation and management of multilingual content for a global market
  • Content that needs to be adapted for different audiences
  • Reports that are presented in different verbal tenses
  • Publications that need different spelling according to different geographies

Key benefits

  • Flexibility in using the original content 
  • Quick update across documents with different usages and audiences 
  • Reused content is tracked and controlled