Content schema

A content schema defines a set of rules for how content is structured within a publication. The purpose of a schema is to help authors create publications with content that adheres to a certain standard. This way, it’s easier for information to be managed and exchanged between different systems. From back-end programming languages to code created for SEO improvements – all these represent a schema, a structured format for content that makes it easy to understand for machines. When content is machine-ready, content workflows can be automated, increasing efficiency for content operations teams.

When speaking of technical writing, there are several content schemas, among which we can name DITA, S1000D, DTD, XSD, or RNG. These XML standards and schemas are the most widely used by enterprises from various industry and activity sectors. A schema’s role is to define the main component types in a publication, where they sit in the hierarchy, and how they can be used.

Example use cases

  • Improve product findability in catalogues and service manuals
  • Enable seamless integrations for your medical device tech stack
  • Maintain accurate, consistent and up-to-date content to ensure patient safety
  • Create from the start audit-ready documentations to comply with regulations and laws at all times

Key benefits

  • Guide users to enter the right information
  • Create content that is machine-ready
  • Develop clearly labelled content, enriched with metadata
  • Eliminate content inconsistency by using a single source approach for every content component you create 
  • Publish content faster to any output you need, in any language with robust content versioning

Related terms