Bounce rate

Bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who navigate away from a site after viewing only a single page, without interacting or exploring further. It is used to measure the engagement level of visitors and the effectiveness of website content in retaining user interest. It is a core performance metric that is tracked in the digital experience space, alongside conversion rate, click through rate and others.

Example use cases

  • Assessing the bounce rate of a landing page to determine if it effectively captures user interest and encourages further exploration of the website.
  • Monitoring the bounce rate of specific blog articles or content pages to evaluate their relevance and user engagement. Analyzing the bounce rate of ecommerce product pages to identify potential issues or barriers to conversions.
  • Comparing bounce rates across different traffic sources or marketing campaigns to assess their quality and ability to drive relevant traffic.
  • Conducting A/B testing to compare the bounce rates of different variations of a webpage, such as layout, headlines or call-to-action placement.

Key benefits

  • Understanding the effectiveness of website design, user experience, and content in engaging visitors and keeping them on the site. 
  • Identification of potential issues or barriers that may be causing visitors to leave without exploring further. 
  • Insights into the quality and relevance of traffic from different sources or campaigns. 
  • Optimization of landing pages, blog articles, or content pages to reduce bounce rates and increase engagement. 
  • Tracking of bounce rate as a key performance indicator (KPI) to assess website performance and measure the impact of changes or improvements.