Tightly integrated taxonomies and terminologies deliver far superior results to stakeholders across the content lifecycle

Wali Naderi 27 Jun 2023 6 mins
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Recently, Tridion’s team convened with its partners Kaleidoscope to discuss how its solution Kalcium now integrates with Semantic Web Company’s PoolParty along with Tridion plus Trados to deliver superior value to clients. The event was organized by Elsa Sklavounou, RWS, VP AI Alliances, Global Partnerships.

From the Kaleidoscope team, Klaus Fleischmann (CIO) walked us through the integrated solution, various use cases for the solutions and ultimately, the benefits it delivers to every stakeholder involved. Kaleidoscope (erstwhile Trados) has been a Tridion partner since 1996. SDL acquired Trados in 2015; later, in 2020, RWS acquired SDL. 

Klaus noted that RWS Trados and MultiTerm are industry benchmarks when working with professional language workers. And on the other hand, larger organizations have more stakeholders involved in the localization/translation process, and Kaleidoscope caters to their needs.

Klaus highlighted the relevant products built for this purpose; these include Kalcium Quickterm and Kalcium Checkterm, that work with technology. And then Kalcium Smartquery (translate queries) and Global review (in-country review) that work with niche areas of the localization process. Finally, Kalcium Contentflow (automating data exchange) and Kalcium EXPERT TOOLS. Overall, Kalcium is Kaleidoscope’s content quality platform that hosts all these products.

Tridion, Kaleidoscope and Semantic Web Company meeting point

Klaus nicely summarized Kaleidoscope’s role with Tridion and Trados across the global content delivery process. Kaleidoscope’s Kalcium pitches in the ‘Manage’ stage of the content delivery process, providing corporate language (terminology), workflow automation, query management, and quality management.

Role of each partner in the global content delivery process

Through another graphic, Klaus summarized the various aspects of the dynamic content quality process. He linked it to the different Kalcium products discussed earlier (all part of the Kalcium Content Quality Platform):

Kalcium content quality platform linked to the content quality process

Kalcium’s integration with PoolParty 

Integrating the two solutions is quite natural, as Kalcium, amongst other things, deals with terminology, while PoolParty deals with taxonomies. These overlap considerably as both deal with domain-specific knowledge, concepts, and terms (labels under taxonomies). 

Overlap between PoolParty (Taxonomies) and Terminologies (Kalcium)

There are several benefits for all the stakeholders involved in the content ecosystem. Broadly it boils down to greater efficiency, consistency, and value:

Use cases for the integrated solution

The integration connects the taxonomies and terminologies to make both ends speak to and enrich each other. The use cases therefore include:

1. Bringing an existing MultiTerm/Quickterm / Trados Enterprise termbase into PoolParty

For cases where the enterprise already has a Trados termbase, Kalcium can easily push it to PoolParty, Tridion, Fonto, and any other software of interest. The reason being Kalcium establishes a live connection repository with Trados on the backend and plugs into Trados Studio on the front end. One can also schedule the time for Kalcium to send updates to PoolParty, e.g., every Wednesday. Only the updates or changes are sent.


Klaus then demonstrated through a video how users could connect Kalcium to PoolParty. It involves establishing a parent-child relationship in the termbase, which can be achieved at the click of a button. And then, using task automation, one can push the data required to PoolParty. 

Apart from the various APIs that one can use, Kalcium has provided a built-in connector called PoolParty connector to send the data to PoolParty. The user can select the specific content they want to send, map the fields (if required), and then send only that specific content.

2. Make an existing termbase project from PoolParty available for localization as a termbase for Trados ecosystem

This works similarly as in the previous case; the only difference is that PoolParty replaces RWS at the top because, in this case, the information flows from PoolParty into RWS: 

Klaus took us through the interface on both ends, PoolParty and Kalcium, to demonstrate how the taxonomies and terminologies interact and can be accessed. Users can also view the relationships between concepts through the interface as concept maps for taxonomies.

Klaus then demonstrated how Kalcium’s terminologies are tuned to PoolParty’s taxonomies. It includes various options in the terminology management system that terminologists can use in the Kalcium dashboard to refine further those to map to the PoolParty’s taxonomies.

Users can view history through the dashboard and add concepts, metadata, subject data, or classification as needed. And once it’s created in the termbase, it’s immediately available to view. At this stage, relevant users / subject matter experts can be assigned various tasks to build metadata; thus, the collaborative terminology workflow gets initiated.

The dashboard also offers to perform many more tasks, e.g., assign translation or approval tasks. 

3. Other use cases

In case the customer has both taxonomy and terminology both, then the Kalcium and PoolParty integration service can help to:

  • Enrich an existing taxonomy with metadata or languages from the termbase to be reused for automatic tagging purposes
  • Enrich an existing termbase with structure information

As an additional benefit, it also helps to push the terminology onto Acrolinx, Congree, Languageweaver, and other software in the content ecosystem.

Demonstration to help close sales

To round up, Klaus mentioned that Kaleidoscope with the Tridion teams could prepare a demo. Once the customer is ready to proceed with the solution, Kaleidoscope and Tridion teams implement the project while RWS continues to own the customer relationship. Reach out to Tridion and Kaleidoscope for a standard downloadable demo version that customers can test.

If you would like to learn more about how Tridion can help your business, click here.

Wali Naderi

Wali Naderi

Senior Product Marketing Manager
Wali Naderi has 20 years' experience in the IT industry with some well-known IT organizations in various positions (Product Management, Product Marketing, and Sr. Alliance Management). He joined RWS in late 2020 as a Senior Product Marketing Manager, focusing on the partner community.
All from Wali Naderi