Language Services
How terminology impacts SEO, MT and social media
Terminology is at the heart of any corporate communication strategy. Whether you’re communicating with your colleagues, business partners or customers, your terminology strategy is of paramount importance. It’s how you make sure all communications are clear and consistent and that people are using the same terms for the same concepts or products. It’s also how [...]

Language Services
How to write for your audience and for SEO at the same time
A few years ago, content experts talked about “writing for search engines” as if it were a skill that was a million miles away from writing for a human audience. The result was often a badly written website with pages filled with keywords shoe-horned into sentences with no regard for the sense or fluency of [...]

Language Services
Designing a website with global SEO in mind
Your website needs a major overhaul to support the international growth of your business. The original site was created several years ago, and since then your product sales have expanded globally. Analytics show that visitors come to your website from around the world. You recognize that you need to expand your online presence beyond English-speaking [...]