Common mistakes companies make when selecting an LSP

Lee Densmer Lee Densmer 29 Apr 2021 4 min read 4 min read
Selecting right lsp RWS

Choosing the wrong language service provider (LSP) can hinder a company’s growth in foreign markets or force the company out of those markets altogether. It is a big decision and even the smartest, most strategic team can make mistakes that threaten the company overall. Unfortunately, many companies struggle with this decision and don’t know how to avoid a negative outcome. 

In this article, we discuss some of the best things to do when selecting an LSP and how your company can avoid choosing the wrong provider. 

Single vs Multi-language Providers

One of the first decisions that your company needs to make is what languages it needs translations for. Knowing which languages you need to work in lets you determine whether you need a single language translator or a multi-language provider. 

Single language providers are often smaller firms that specialize in translating from one specific language into another specific language. The smaller firm size can help reduce the cost and give you a more personalized service. However, you’ll be limited to the one language that they specialize in. 

If you need to translate into several languages regularly, then you need a multi-language provider (MLP). The MLP will be able to help you with multiple languages, often in a small to medium-sized business environment. 

In many instances, a massive LSP will be the right choice for your business. Large LSPs, like RWS, offer more in terms of availability and services. In our case, we have more than 260 languages and our services can be delivered quickly, with a focus on quality and customer-driven case management. 

Define your services

To avoid picking the wrong LSP, start by defining what services you need. As mentioned above, the number of languages that you need to translate into is critical. You should consider the future and whether you may need more languages at some later stage. You may also want to make sure your chosen provider can handle services like desktop publishing, engineering and testing if you require those as well; you won’t then need to go to another firm to get these services. 

Industry experience requirements

Another problem that companies often run into when picking an LSP is finding one with the specific industry experience necessary to provide high-quality services. Without first-hand experience in relevant industries, it is exceedingly difficult for translators to do a good job. The skills to create an industry-appropriate final product often comes with years of experience working in the industry and collaborating with industry experts who can guide the process. 

When you choose a company for your translations, try to find out where the industry experience is concentrated and whether someone with industry experience or with access to industry experience will oversee the project. If the experience comes from the project management team or quality control positions, then the company is likely to produce documentation which meets your requirements. To avoid picking the wrong LSP, investigate the LSP’s experience in the industry that your company works in. 

Technical expertise

Technical expertise is also an important factor in determining the quality of translation services. It is difficult to translate something technical without explicit knowledge of technical writing and an understanding of the subject matter. There is a risk that, although performed by a skilled professional, the translation will not accurately represent the source material from a technical perspective. 

Engineering, for example, has a lot of technical information that needs to be translated. Being able to translate difficult engineering information accurately is crucial to the success of the project. Misidentifying a word or phrase can create technical issues throughout the project. 

To avoid potential fallout, have your company focus on finding translation companies with established and proven track records in translating the specific item or type of event that you need translated.

If you're looking to partner with the world's leading language services provider, click here to learn more about our services and how we can handle any translation project. 

Lee Densmer

Lee Densmer

Lee Densmer has been in the localization industry since 2001, starting as a project manager and moving up into solutions architecture and marketing management. Like many localization professionals, she entered the field through an interest and education in languages. She holds a master’s in linguistics from University of Colorado. Lee lives in Idaho, and enjoys foreign travel and exploring the mountains of the region.
All from Lee Densmer