Part 1: Overcoming Omnimarket Challenges by Embracing Intelligent Translation

Andrew Thomas Andrew Thomas 21 Oct 2019 5 min read 5 min read
Intelligent translation

We’re living in a world that expects a never-ending flow of new content – from apps, articles and blogs, through to social media posts, videos and web pages. As a result, global demand for content is far outstripping human abilities to produce it fast enough…. And, furthermore, much of this content needs to be translated to engage and satisfy customers around the globe.

Innovative and creative solutions must be found to keep pace. With people consuming on average 49,500 words daily, and linguists translating at best 5,000 words per day, it would take 10 business days to translate and publish just one day’s content. In addition, a typical project of this size involves 35 manual steps and requires 10 hours of project management time from start to finish.

Timelines and workloads to process the project aren’t the only concern – cost is also a significant factor. One day’s worth of translated content costs on average $7,920, which grows exponentially for one week ($55,440), one month ($237,600) and one year ($2,890,800).

#SDLSelfie (4) 

Faced with these challenges, how do you satisfy not only today’s requirements, but also tomorrow’s greater volumes across many languages, all while meeting shrinking timelines affordably? 

The solution can be found by joining the intelligent translation era

Spanning the entire localization supply chain, from content creation to translation and delivery, five key traits characterize the intelligent translation era:
• Tech connected
• Machine-first, Human-optimized
• Data-driven translation
• Continuous localization
• Community integrated

The complete opposite of the manual, siloed and unscalable processes that still dominate localization currently, intelligent translation requires a new translation solution that will deliver the vast amount of content required for customer journeys with you. 

To learn more about intelligent translation and how it can enable the success of your omnimarket strategy, watch this recorded webinar and follow our blog series.

Our recently launched SDL Language Cloud was specifically designed to address these kinds of challenges.

And why not read part 2 in the series, looking at how you can unify content and tech as part of your omnichannel strategy?

Andrew Thomas

Andrew Thomas

I’m Andrew Thomas, and I’m a huge geek. I’m also a parent and a poet and endlessly fascinated with technology. I’m passionate about the future and how companies can embrace new ways of creating and delivering knowledge that helps their customers solve problems. From time to time, I like to blog about any or all of these topics.
All from Andrew Thomas