AI data consulting

Want to evaluate your current AI training data strategy? Our TrainAI team of experts can help you identify and implement opportunities for improvement.
Data Services for AI - Consulting - RWS

The challenge

As the topic of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly dominates boardroom discussions, it is critical that businesses take the right steps to implement a robust, enterprise-wide AI strategy. But even the best-laid AI plans can fail if the right data is not used to train AI. 
Many organisations struggle to define their AI training data requirements. Complex processes with multiple stakeholders must be recorded, structured, and prioritized in order to develop the appropriate AI data solutions. Relevant and accurate data must often be extracted and processed from unstructured databases. Data might be missing, or datasets may not be sufficiently diverse and representative to minimize critical risks such as bias.

The solution

When you partner with TrainAI by RWS, you gain access to a full team of highly experienced AI data professionals who can help you harness the right AI training data to power your AI models, so they can function as positive drivers of change. Through consultations on your AI data strategy, we can help you identify areas for improvement and implement steps to get your AI model performing as it should, without any unanticipated project disruptions.

Types of AI data delivered by TrainAI

Text data
Audio / speech data
Image data
Video data
Locale-specific data
Synthetic data

Our TrainAI community

Instead of crowdsourcing your data needs to anyone and hoping for the best, we deliver AI training data collected, annotated, and validated by our TrainAI community of active, vetted, skilled, and qualified AI data specialists based on your specific ML project requirements.
community members
language variants

Let's connect

Connect with our TrainAI team to discuss your AI training data needs or subscribe to receive TrainAI news and updates from RWS.

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