RWS fast tracks Semantic AI for Tridion through partnership with WAND

WAND taxonomies now working hand-in-hand with Tridion to provide Semantic AI layer

Chalfont Saint Peter, UK
8/17/2022 9:00:01 AM

Clients looking to deploy Semantic AI rapidly across their content ecosystem will now benefit from a new partnership between Tridion and WAND, Inc. The partnership will blend Tridion, RWS’s world leading content technology, with WAND, Inc.’s prebuilt taxonomies to accelerate time to delivery.

Alex Abey, General Manager of Tridion, explains, “Our clients are looking for ways to improve information discovery and streamline content management. Taxonomies are a key part of such a solution but are time consuming to build manually. By combining WAND’s industry and domain specific taxonomies with Tridion’s semantic AI capabilities, we solve this problem once and for all.” 

Benefits of this new partnership include:

  • WAND’s prebuilt taxonomies and metadata models reduce model creation time by up to 90%
  • WAND foundation metadata models address 33 major industries
  • WAND foundation metadata models import into Tridion in minutes.

“The combination of WAND taxonomies and RWS’s semantic AI offering dramatically reduce the time it takes to get a successful process up and running,” says Ross Leher, CEO at WAND, Inc. “The barriers to creating a taxonomy from scratch – things which have previously caused significant delays to enterprise-wide content management projects – have been eliminated.”

Tridion is an intelligent content platform that enables organizations to create, manage and deliver multilingual digital content to their customers, employees and partners. Some of the world’s largest brands rely on Tridion to deliver multilingual digital experiences across any channel. Semantic AI is available for the various components of Tridion: Tridion Sites for Web content Management; Tridion Docs for Structured Content Management; and Tridion Dynamic Experience Delivery for search and headless content publishing.

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