RWS Analyst Consensus
Analyst Consensus
£m | FY24
Actual |
Consensus |
Consensus |
Consensus |
Revenue | 718.2 | 720.6 | 747.7 | 772.2 |
Range | 719.0 - 722.5 | 739.0 - 754.4 | 760.0 - 780.5 | |
Adjusted PBT | 106.7 | 97.3 | 110.0 | 118.1 |
Range | 95.1 - 100.7 | 108.0 - 113.2 | 117.6 - 119.0 | |
Adjusted EPS (pence) | 21.6 | 19.5 | 22.1 | 23.8 |
Range | 19.2 - 20.1 | 21.3 - 22.8 | 23.5 - 24.1 | |
Dividend per share (pence) | 12.45 | 12.7 | 13.0 | 13.3 |
Range | 12.6 - 12.8 | 12.8 - 13.0 | 13.1 - 13.5 |
Analyst coverage and composition of consensus forecasts
Research House | Analyst |
Deutsche Numis Research* | James Beard |
Berenberg* | James Bayliss |
Shore Capital | Katie Cousins |
Investec | Tom Callan |
*House brokers
Research covers the years ending 30 September 2025, 2026 and 2027.
All 4 of the analysts have a buy recommendation. The consensus share price target is 312p.
The consensus is calculated by taking the simple average of submissions from 4 analysts. RWS excludes estimates from analysts who have not updated forecasts in the last six months and/or for recent events such as half or full year results, trading updates, new accounting standards or M&A events.
This analyst consensus was compiled after issue of RWS's Full Year Results on 12 December 2024 at which time the prevailing foreign currency rates at date of results announcement (12/12/24) were c.1.28 GBP:USD and c.1.21 GBP:EUR.
Last updated 10 January 2025
Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding the financial performance of RWS Holdings plc (“RWS”) made by securities analysts (and collated for the purpose of the consensus figures) are theirs alone and do not represent those of RWS or its Management. RWS does not endorse, concur with or express any view in relation to the analysts’ forecasts or any information, reports, conclusions or recommendations made by such analysts.
No warranty or representation, either express or implied, is made by RWS or its affiliates, or its or their respective directors, officers and employees, in relation to the accuracy, completeness or achievability of the consensus figures. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no responsibility or liability is accepted by any of those persons in respect of those matters or for reliance upon, or actions taken based on, the consensus figures or underlying information upon which the consensus figures are based. The consensus figures are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or any solicitation or recommendation to buy, hold or sell securities or other financial instruments. Before making an investment decision, a prospective investor should seek appropriate professional advice from an independent financial adviser.
It should be noted that the consensus figures are, by definition, forward-looking and as such are speculative and rely on assumptions and events in the future (some or all of which may not be satisfied or may not occur). RWS assumes no obligation to update, revise or supplement the consensus figures or any underlying information upon which the consensus figures are based.