Go global faster with our language and content solutions
Thank you to everyone who visited us at DIA Global 2023
RWS is a leading provider of language and structured content authoring solutions – working with 19 of the world's top 20 pharma companies. We can help you with clinical trial management, linguistic validation, labelling and much more in any language.

The Power of e: How eConsent and eCOA can improve global patient experience and your clinical trial
Contact a member of our Sales team
Dina Rodrigues
Client Relationship Leader, RWS
Frank Barendregt
Technology Sales Director, Tridion
Gina Zahner
Director of Solutions NASA, RWS
Jill Balcerzak
Vice President Global Solutions, RWS
Marco Marino
Senior Director, Sales, RWS
Mrunmayee Pitkar
Director of Project Management, RWS
Tom O’Dwyer
Director Enterprise Sales, Tridion
Waters Corporation case study
Waters is a leading developer of analytical instruments and software for improving human health and well-being. Thousands of scientists around the world rely on their products and services, making it essential that their technical documentation is accurate, reliable and compliant with stringent regulations.
But with multiple different authoring tools, content management processes and workflows, delivering high-quality, timely publications was challenging – so Waters Corporation turned to Tridion Docs for a more efficient solution.